Physical Education at Ladybarn
and at our other Trust schools
In Games children are taught gross motor skills and fundamental movements skills, which are applied to a wide range of sports including the opportunity to experience a competitive environment to develop their teamwork, sportsmanship and skills. Games lessons are inclusive, fun and encourage all children to be active and healthy throughout their lives.
Gymnastics supports children to develop discipline, balance, core strength and creativity through both floor work and using the apparatus safely. All gymnastics lessons will be inclusive and accessible to all, encouraging all children to be active and healthy throughout their lives.
PE is considered one of the most important parts of children’s learning from EYFS to Year 6. We prioritise PE as we know how important exercise is to prepare children for their future life. Each year group devotes at least 2 hours each week to physical development encompassing games, gymnastics, dance and developing fitness. PE and sport is given the time and status across the Trust to set each and every child on the path to understanding and striving to live a healthy lifestyle.
Our PE Strands
Your Personnal Best (YPB)
Challenging yourself in HIIT, running and skipping. The focus is on being the best you can be, monitoring your own progression and effort levels to improve your fitness.
The aim is for children to understand that a healthy body helps support a healthy mind
We are celebrating the amazing achievements of our children - we are so proud of their hard work developing their fitness to run a mile! Every half term, the children in Years 3 to 6 go down to Cringle Park to run a mile. In Reception, Year 1 and 2, they run around the school.
In EYFS and KS1, games lessons focus on developing fundamental movement skills which are required to play sports such as throwing and catching.
In KS2 these skills are applied to a variety of sports so that children develop knowledge and understanding of rules and competitive sporting situations

Children develop and build on the core skills for gymnastics of jumps, balances, rolls and holding weight in different ways for example on hands in upper KS2

Sports Leadership
Our sports leaders help children develop their skills in PE during lunchtimes and in PE lessons. They are great role models for the children and we are so proud of them!

Rules, strategies and tactics
Our school rules are taught from the first day of school. This understanding provides the foundation for children to make their own rules in games lessons in KS1.
Later, sporting rules are taught and explored through a variety of sports. These sports are repeated bi-annually so children can develop deeper understanding of the rules, strategies and tactics of different games.
After school clubs and competitions are also linked with games lessons to ensure children have opportunities to compete against on another as well as develop their skills.
​​At Kingsway trust, our curriculum is applied to inter trust sporting competitions. These opportunities give children the chance to develop competitiveness, sportsmanship and further their sporting skills. Some children have the opportunity to referee and become leaders in the sports.

Children's PE feedback
What do our Key Stage 1 children say?
What do our Key Stage 2 children say?
90% of children like physical activity
85% of children say they get to develop new skills in PE