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Our partner school in India is called TVIS in Kumaramangalam. 


Year Six linked with TVIS to collaborate on adverts for a trip around India. This involved researching a minimum 10-stop tour around the country, exploring areas such as Mumbai, Darjeeling, Goa, Agra and the Kanha National Park. The children researched important facts about the area such as climate, population, landmarks, local food etc to put together the advert for the tour. The work had rave reviews from our Indian friends!


Not only were ICT and MFL skills practised for a real audience and purpose, but we were also able to learn about the similarities and differences of our schools, celebrating these together. Each year group’s fantastic work is on our VLE.


Year Four collaborated on a recycling project which resulted in both classes presenting to each other different ways of recycling. We inspired the school to run a fashion show showcasing clothing made from recyclable objects and we reciprocated by making musical instruments. We both made paper!




Our Eco Warriors also linked with TVIS to compare and contrast different ways to save energy in school and to share good Eco practice.


Click here to see the work our link school in Indian has done and here to see our Ladybarn Eco monitoring sheet.



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